Old Rag 10 Mile Hike

Old Rag on a cloudy, drizzly and blowy Sunday morning. Couldn’t think of anywhere I’d rather be.

The great thing about the weather conditions yesterday was that we were pretty much on our own on the mountain. Which, for those of you that have climbed Old Rag will know, meant very little waiting around at the tight, twisty, climby bits. The downside of the weather was that those same tight, twisty and climby bits were very slick and added a certain level of sportiness to the whole adventure.

Due to the aforementioned climate conditions, we were a light crew of seven hikers, with the girls troop out numbering the boys troop. Ian F. was the sole member of the boys troop (c’mon guys, I know it’s spring break and the weather was yucky, but this was Old Rag!!!!) with Freya M. and Helen F. making up the girls contingent. The four old people comprised 2 Forrers, one Milbury and an old Salt.

We met up in the lower parking lot, saddled up with wet weather gear, gave the old boot laces one final tug and away we went. Four miles up! The first section of the mountain is a pretty standard affair of switchbacks and the occasional overlook (can you guess what the views were like?). Even with the drizzle layers started to be peeled early on and the chatter slowed as we reached the base of the scramble. After 2 hours we’d covered three miles, one more mile to go to the top (another two hours).

Climbing Old Rag is a team event and thank goodness the team was willing to push and pull a certain English lump up the hill. My right knee had done Old Rag four times before, but for the left this was its first adventure up this particular mountain and my gosh did its lack of flexibility and youthful disobedience affect me! I was completely spent by the time we stopped at the top (nearly the top) for lunch and can’t thank my many pushers and pullers enough for their help.

Old Rag is a special place on any given day, but for one young couple we met it will hold a place in their hearts for ever. As they passed us we asked what they were doing out on such a yucky day and he replied “I just proposed to her half an hour ago!!!!”. Wow!

Our lunch stop also offered Mike and I an opportunity to run a boiling test between his brand new Jetboil sporting the Flash pot and my three year old version sporting the Mini Mo pot (yes, this stuff does actually make us happy and is of absolutely no interest to the ladies). 16oz of water were added and after an initial gas cannister malfunction on my part the boil test began. The result confirmed the online write up that the Flash is quicker! Now we just need to work out why, but that conversation can’t wait until the next hike.

Once at the top, pictures taken and views not seen, we headed down to the fire road and the nice gentle four miles back to the parking lot. A great day to be out and when you’ve done Old Rag you certainly know you’ve put a shift in and have a nice warm feeling of accomplishment. What better way to reward yourself than an ice cream from the little hut in Sperryville.

Next up in May we’ll be attempting two hike lengths on the same day. For the merit badge you need one five miler, three 10 milers, one 15 and one 20 miler. The May hike(s) will offer people the chance to do either a 15 or 20 miler. Details to follow soonish.

Enjoy the break and see you at the trailhead in May. In the mean while, enjoy this hike pictures over here.